Anyone know of any restaurants that have gluten free options?
Alriso (Italian) is 100% Gluten free. Pepe Nero has a lot of Gluten free options. I'll PM you with a link to some other cafes.
Roxanne, do you have the app Find Me Gluten-Free? It works for many places in the world. Only 2 places came up for me in Prague but there could be more.
The Find Me GF app along with the app GF Scanner have been really helpful for us since we discovered our allergies. I do go to restaurants and try to order salads and that seems to work for me.
Hope these apps help you too!
Jason, thank you so much for the great list of restaurants! I wasn’t having much luck anywhere else.
Darcy, thank you for replying. I looked on Find me GF but didn’t see much. If you look at the reply I received from Jason you will see more.
Thank you,
you will find that restaurants will have allergens listed on their menus,numbers in brackets next to the item.No1. is for gluten.
I keep the post at maintained as a resource for understanding the EU Allergen system and for people who either want to eat or shop gluten free. There's about a dozen places cafes/restaurants and shops that I use or have used. In my opinion anybody that gets listed on that post has an exact understanding of the ingredients and cooking methods used. Most recently (and because it's summer) Cafe Elektric has become a regular haunt for me.