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Getting from Prague airport to Dresden, Germany

We are flying in to Prague and then staying in Dresden, Germany. I am curious what recommendations there are for making it happen. It seems complicated getting from the airport to the train station and even then trains are only every 2 hours. Is it worth it do get to be seated comfortably on the train? Or should we suck it up and do a bus? TIA!

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79 posts

In 2018 we took the Flix bus and it was fine. I would do it again. It was comfortable and there was a restroom on the bus.

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992 posts

We took the train from Berlin to Prague - with a stop in Dresden. It was easy, comfortable and efficient. It should be the same in the opposite direction.

I used to help plan our time in Prague, and found it to be an accurate source of information. Here is a link to the page regarding transfers from the airport:

If you are looking for simplicity, you might consider the transfer company that is recommended.

There is also a page on how to navigate the train station:

Links to YouTube videos are available on the linked pages.

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181 posts

Flixbus and the train are about the same length of time and have fairly similar seat comfort, but the train is more scenic (runs along the Elbe valley by the river while the bus takes the motorway). Flixbus doesn't operate through bus services between the airport and Dresden, you always have to change in central Prague, which loses any advantage the bus might have. Compare the fares for your travel day and make your choice.