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Difficult to switch between train and bus station in Ceske Budejovice?

We are traveling from Prague to Tabor and then from Tabor to Cesky Krumlov all on the same day. I have read that it is better to take the bus from Ceske Budejovice to Cesky Krumlov. Is it worth us switching from the train station to the bus station for this part of our journey? How difficult will it be for us to find our bus with only 20 minutes between train arrival and bus departure? The transfer time to the next train is about the same. Just wondering if it is worth switching to a bus. We will only have one carry-on rolling bag each if luggage is a concern

Thank you!

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4637 posts

20 minutes should be more than enough. Bus station and train station are very close to each other. If for some reason like delay you feel you don't have enough time then take the train to C.K. Main benefit of bus is that bus station in C.K. is closer to the old town where most tourists are staying. If you have heavy luggage you can take a taxi from the train station in C.K to your accommodation as we did.

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15 posts

Thank you for the great information. I figured I had to buy the ticket ahead of time from Ceske Budegovice to Ceske Krumlov with the time constraint. Therefore, we would have to make the decision between the bus and the train before arriving in Ceske Budegovice.
Is it possible to buy the bus ticket ahead of time or would we have to purchase it upon our arrival? I am leaning towards the bus unless someone has a reason why we would be better off sticking with the train connection.

Thanks again!

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4637 posts

I don't know if you would be able to buy that bus ticket ahead. Buy it at the bus station or from the driver. You can buy some long distance bus tickets ahead but this one is very likely short distance unless the bus originates in Prague or Brno or somewhere else than Ceske Budejovice. Distance between Ceske Budejovice and Cesky Krumlov is a short distance.

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15 posts

Thank you lija!

It looks like we can purchase bus tickets directly from the Regiojet website. I have two concerns, we have a 6 PM Private Tour in Cesky Krumlov that I do not want to be late for and the bus is originating in Prague so I am afraid it will be full. I guess I need reassurance that I will have enough time to purchase a ticket and get on the bus with the 20 minutes I will have and that the bus will have room : ) I am traveling on a Monday in late May and we are looking at a mid afternoon bus.

Should I wait to purchase on the day of or go ahead and purchase them on the RegioJet website. Currently there are plenty of seats available. I apologize for needing reassurance, but I have only been on trains and have never switched between train and bus before.

Thank you again!

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16893 posts

Go ahead and book it online - my colleague's experience is that it was very easy to book and even easy to change (when his flight arrival allowed him to catch an earlier bus). I'm don't know how often the buses sell out, but I have seen it happen, for instance in the direction of CK to Prague once in fall. The CB bus station is in the shopping mall across the street from the train station. There's an escalator to the upper level.

Posted by
15 posts

Thank you Laura and lija. I appreciate your help in sorting this all out.
