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Concert tickets in advance or once we get there?

Looks like there are lots of classical concerts from which to chose in May.
Should I book tickets in advance or should we be able to pick up tickets
when we arrive. If in advance, is there a venue you would suggest?
We will also be in Vienna. I know that is THE music town but how would
you compare the quality of the experience in the two towns. A number of
the Vienna concerts I have seen appear to be touristy.

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20158 posts

Saw " Don Giovanni" at the Estates Theater about 10 years ago and everything was first rate. And seeing in the same theater that Mozart himself conducted the premier 220 years ago was special. Tickets were only about $50 in January and it was not sold out, but in May if this or "Marriage of Figaro" is presented, they could possibly sell out. They do these in repertory quite often, so yes, most of the audience are visitors (tourists?). But the quality is there.

The Municipal House is also a venue for concerts, often Dvorak and Smetena, and again, mostly visitors, but good quality. Prague also have regular venues like the State Opera, and the Rudolfinum.

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500 posts

Any serious music (non-touristy) events, do indeed buy them ahead of time. Stuff at the Vienna Opera or Czech National Theater, Vienna Philharmonic, Czech Philharmonic, Prague Radio Orchestra, etc can sell out well in advance. The touristy things, they make sure there is enough supply to meet the expected demand, I think.

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500 posts

If you have specific musical interests or events you are choosing between, let me know, otherwise it is hard to help you. I can't recommend the touristy stuff, both towns have great music of course. The Rudolfinum in Prague is a major venue. Highly recommend the Vienna Konzerthaus as well. What is of interest to you?

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20158 posts

The Estates Theater (Stavovske Divadlo) only has about 600 seats, so it could sell out in the busy tourist season. You will get to experience opera in an intimate setting that longer exists almost anywhere else.

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2639 posts

loads of tourist concerts on and the quality does vary.I have been to a few things at the estates, the Rudolfinium and the Municiple house. as well as some of the smaller tourist type concerts there always seems to be tickets available for these typr concerts.
have a look at this website for the concerts in the main venues and see if anything takes your fancy.

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98 posts

We are visiting Prague with a RS tour and are going to a cultural performance - either a concert or Black Light Theater. What is the appropriate clothes for men and women so I can pack the right clothes. Thanks so much!

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919 posts

I have attended "tourist concerts" in Prague, Salzburg, London, and Paris. I am not musical--meaning I've never had voice or instrument lessons, and all have sounded wonderful to me--even in the smallest of settings. Those with musical leanings and an ear may pick up on nuances that those of us without that gift will not. So, if you are not that selective, I think you'll enjoy what you hear.

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500 posts


Allow me to clarify something that is often misunderstood. It's not a matter of having a gift, or refined ear, and those of us who are avid music lovers do not reject the touristy concerts because somehow we pick up on subtle nuances of quality difference.

Those of us who are regular and experienced concert goers usually prefer the non-touristy concerts because the repertoire is more interesting, less repetitive of standard favorites and "classical hits", and because we know what we want to hear and are informed enough to select the concert of our preference.

For anyone, like yourself, who is not a regular concert goer, there is nothing wrong with enjoying the touristy concerts. They are played by professional musicians at a very high level, I'd guess.

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989 posts

I do know that the musicians in many of the "tourist" concerts in Vienna are music students studying in THE music capital. The next Itzak Perlman might be playing in a powdered wig at this moment.
And during the summer months, these are pretty much the only concerts available.