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Changes to metro system in Prague

for information . The extension of the green line metro is now operational and anyone that uses the bus 119 from the Airport to Dejvicka and the metro from there now has to start the metro at Nádraží Veleslavín or take a tram from there . In their Kafkaesque wisdom the folk that designed the new metro stations have omitted to provide escalators from the metro area to the street level but have provided you stairs . The Airport authorities are quite shocked by this and have provided free porters to help folk up and down the stairs with their luggage at Nádraží Veleslavín , seriously folks you can't make this stuff up.The return journey is the exact opposite. I am hearing of folk waiting at Dejvicka for the 119 bus to the airport that will never come . I will experience the new system for the first time next month.
Don't know if RS has public transportation mentioned in his Guide books but would be worthwhile doing an update.

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4637 posts

Or you can go on Metro B line (yellow) to Zlicin and then by bus 100 to the airport where nothing changed. About metro station Nadrazi Veleslavin: besides stairs allegedly they have also an elevator for handicapped. Anyway somebody should be punished for not providing escalators at the station where so many people with heavy suitcases are changing from metro to the bus to the airport.

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2652 posts

there is also the Airport Express bus that goes to Hlavni the main train station , I think that still stops at Dejvicka. I might use that next month as I am staying at the Hotel Dap which is right on Dejvicvka roundabout.saves me having to change from bus to tram or metro

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2652 posts

the AE bus no longer stops at Dejvicka so i am told first stop is namesti Republicky

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16894 posts

Thanks, Unclegus. Since I saw this post, I'll forward it to book editors.

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2652 posts

you are welcome. that website is worth keeping an eye as there are going to be significant changes to the tram routes with the opening of the metro extension.

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4637 posts

AE is not covered by public transport ticket, it's little bit more expensive, you pay to the driver.

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2652 posts

thats true,i think it was 60kc last time i used the AE bus, it is not the best of services but is ok if you need to get to somehwere close to one of its stops.they seldom have luggage racks on the buses and the buses very quickly get packed and it only runs every 30 minutes.I have alway thought that great improvements could be made to this service

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2652 posts

Thought I would do an update after experiencing the new extension to the Metro system a couple of weeks ago.
The 119 bus now stops at Nadrazni Veleslavin and it is a very short walk into the metro from the bus stop. You also have the trams ( 20 &26 as well as 51 night tram) from that stop as well but to get to the tram stop can walk round the surface area crossing one busy side of the road using the pedestrian crossing.
There are a set of steps from the bus stop into the metro and escalators from there.There were porters provided by the airport to help those needing it with their luggage up and down the steps.
Many other buses to the outlying area of Prague are now leaving from Veleslavin instead of Dejvicka. The whole area has been up graded and finding bus stops ,trams and the metro is all pretty easy.
All the new metro stops are very nice and all have very nice toilets (I did check)at 10kc entry .One thing that is different is that there seems to be no shops at all and I find this quite strange as in all the other metros there are several shops,maybe I missed them but I don't think so.
The Airport Express bus does not stop at Veleslavin nor does it now stop at Dejvicka.