Hi there! My boyfriend and I are planning a trip throughout Central Europe for mid to late September 2019 for ~14-17 days. We are hoping to do enough of a sweep to see a variety of countries / cities without jamming too much into the trip. Our wish list itinerary is some variation of the following but we are open to cutting some things out to make room for interesting side-trips. After doing some poking around on websites / threads, it looks like there is quite a lot of information on CE on this site! We're looking for some advice and general words of wisdom, and would welcome any suggestions for additional destinations or trip itineraries.
- Berlin (fly in)
- Prague
- Bratislava
- Budapest
- Vienna
- Munich (fly out; hope to catch Oktoberfest).
Some background about us: we are in our mid/late 20s, live in the Bay Area, reasonably fit and not afraid of physical activity. We have traveled internationally before but this would be both of our first times to Central Europe and neither of us speak much more than a pathetic amount of Spanish. We are not picky about accommodations or weather temps but do like delicious food, wine and beer (or reasonable access to it). We haven't started booking yet but were imagining booking a mix of up(ish)scale hostels, budget hotels and AirBnBs - would love any sort of unique lodging that the guidebooks and blogs might not mention!!
General trip goals: We would like to mix in urban sights/experiences with some small/mid-sized villages sprinkled in (mainly really just want to see some charming fairytale villages), have time to soak in architecture through walking or biking tours and build in sufficient time for learning about each place's history. Ideally, we would be able to combine a day trip or two with some scenic hiking outside of a city. We are both fascinated by this region's recent history (WWII through communist era) but also want to take in as much as we can of medieval history. We are generally hoping to take trains or buses in between countries and avoid renting a car.
Thank you and looking forward to some helpful bits of information!!