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Black Light Theater? Fun?

I have never heard of Black Light Theater before. My 22 yr old daughter and myself will be in Prague a couple of nights in June. Is this something worthwhile? Are there several theaters, recommendations? We also enjoy classical music as well, would that be a better option? I am intrigued as this is something new and perhaps interesting. Looking for an evening activity. Any feedback is appreciated.

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4637 posts

You don't need knowledge of the language to enjoy Black Light Theater.

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250 posts

Some of the black light shows may be more risque (or more interesting), but the one we went to last year was just plain dull. I think it had been running for quite a while. I believe it was "Lanterna Magika" at the Nova Scena Theatre next to the National Theatre (where we heard some first-rate music). Perhaps more for the young kids.