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Buying Train Tickets

My husband and I wish to purchase overnight train tickets (in a sleeping compartment) from Prague to Budapest. I am having difficulty using Czech Republic's site. Is it OK to buy these tickets on Germany's BAHN site?

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16894 posts

Yes, since DB is selling them, including with a nice advance discount, I would buy them there. However, you must allow time for them to be mailed to you and tickets lost in the mail are probably not replaceable.

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4159 posts

I can't judge ( even with an English translation ) what this website is ( perhaps an aftermarket booking service ) , but this site is Czech National Rail - I had no difficulty purchasing Prague to Budapest tickets there last fall .

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19171 posts

According to", IDOS timetables websites is one of the outputs of the National information system of timetables (CIS JŘ), operated under auhority of Ministry of Transport of the Czech Republic ..."

But no, I don't think you can buy tickets, just get schedules, from them. For tickets, use

I don't know if this would apply to an international train like EuroNight, but tickets purchased from Czech Rail are often significantly less than the same ticket from German Rail.