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Vaccination Card United States

I'm reading that your proof of vaccination can not be older than 270 day...on one site I see they say 210 days.
Does anyone know the correct count of days?
Leaving on September 7th from JFK to Dubrovnik....Thanks

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5003 posts

It has been changed to 270. And apparently the regulation for proof of paid lodging is also gone if you are coming from the U.S. But I will probably print and take a copy for my first stop anyway. (I also plan to go in September.)

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8058 posts

Where are you reading about any limitation on proof of vaccination timing? Is this a Croatian stipulation?

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58 posts

The United States Embassy in Croatia has all the information about travel to Croatia...I check it regularly for updates.

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58 posts

On the way back to US does anyone have a plan B incase you test positive ( breakthrough case)?

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8281 posts

Austria has this requirement as well. The 270 days is based on guidance from the vaccine makers and regulators, basically it is the upper limit of what they say the vaccine is effective for. This limit has regularly changed, as the test groups received the vaccine only shortly before the first public doses. As the test group passes milestones, they extend the guidance, 270 was 210, was 180, was 90, and 30.

I would not be too concerned, either the number will be increased again, we are coming up on a Year soon for the test groups, or a booster will be authorized.

How it is counted, I am not sure, could be from the first shot, more likely from the second shot.

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58 posts

Thanks for the information and yes, from the date of the second shot.

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8058 posts

Hopefully you don’t contract a breakthrough case, for several reasons. As an additional precaution against a false positive, I’ve read a suggestion to blow your nose prior to getting swabbed. I plan to do this before coming home from Italy in October. Virus particles that might have gotten into your nasal passages but aren’t making you sick can get expelled before they end up on a swab that could suggest you produced them.

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5003 posts

I won’t wait till I get to the airport immediately before departure to test. So my back up is: 1) get a second test; 2) reserve a place to quarantine for 10 days (starting with; 3) change my return flight. I don’t have an issue with time and if I have the additional expense of a place to stay, at least Croatia is not one of the most expensive places to do that. And I do have travel insurance for this trip.

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58 posts

Thanks, we are taking the ferry from Porec to Venice for the last 2 nights. Now thinking about getting tested in Croatia on the last day. The information is so vague about what to do if you test positive.