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Split swimming weather Early October?

Would I be able to swim at a hotel pool the first two weeks in October? Trying to figure out if the weather will be warm for skirts etc but not oppressive heat. In 2019 Greece the early part of October the weather was warm but not too hot.

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10 posts

I've been to Split in October. The weather was nice, and I do remember some people swimming at the beach, so a pool should be even tamer. I'd very much bet against any "oppressive heat".

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4142 posts

I just went back to check my photos and dates - we were in Split September 28, 29, and 30 of 2023. It was definitely hot enough to swim. I remember walking on the Riva (Main Street by the water) and had to get out of the Sun cause it was too hot. We then traveled to Korčula where we went swimming every day.

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1759 posts

When I was in Split during the first week of October 2022, Split and most of the Dalmatian coast was very warm—in the low 80’s with the seawater temperature 75-77 degrees. Perfect beach weather.
The weather does begin to change by mid-October, eventually bringing what you’d expect during Fall— cooler temperatures and breezy days the “bura.” winds bring. Toward the end of October, the rain has arrived and the beach weather of summertime is pretty much over.