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Side trip to Saravejo?

I will be traveling to the Dubrovnik area and I will only have 7 days. Would you suggest splitting the time for traveling to Saravejo? It sounds very interesting from what I’m reading. Or should I stay put in Croatia and add in Split and Hvar? I don’t have interest in going to Mostar or Montenegro, unless you can convince me otherwise.

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5068 posts

Hahaha! That sounds like a challenge. :)

Actually all those destinations are very worthwhile and enjoyable - and for somewhat different reasons. So the answer totally depends on what you enjoy, as well as what you are looking for on this trip. For me, the only not as great answer would be to stay in Dubrovnik for the entire time (but again, others would differ). If you are looking for a beach and complete chill time, then Hvar or Korcula (although Montenegro can equal).

Sarajevo IS very interesting. I have been twice and would go again. And it is different than Dubrovnik, for sure. So if you want a view into a different culture with a ton of history, definitely head over there for several nights. Check out the Grand Tour through Tourmage. I’ve done it twice and learn something new each time. I would vote Sarajevo - especially since you are already interested.

You could check into flying into Sarajevo and home from Dubrovnik. Or the opposite.

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21477 posts

I will be traveling to the Dubrovnik area and I will only have 7 days.

Is so vague that its hard for me to have an opinion.

I like Sarajevo a lot and go back from time to time. Next trip probalby in the early Fall. BUT, I have no idea why you are in Dubrovnik or what are interested in or travel style or ....... and Sarajevo is a long trip from Dubrovnik just to discover ehhhhh not what I had hoped for (then blame TexasTravelMom). If you do go, do take her advice if possible and fly into one and out of the other. Then you only have to worry about the 5 hour drive (or 6 to 7 hours on a bus) in one direction. If you cant do that, I would skip it.

I cant imagine 7 days in Dubrovnik. I love Dubrovnik too, but for 2 full days, each of the 3 times I have visited.

Split, well everyone keeps telling me my visits were exceptions to the rule and that its not as bad as it was for me. I will trust them on that. Still everyone should go see it if they are close. At least a day or two.

Montenegro? I dont talk people into anything. I show them videos and it clicks with them or it doesnt. Videos are here:

Another suggestion I would not try and talk anyone into would be after a few days in Dubrovnik there is a twice a week discount flight from Podgorica to Budapest for about $80 including a checked bag.