As you look for information, you might bone up on terminology to help, generally what you are asking for is Berthing (which usually includes some utilities and directly connected to a dock) or mooring, which just usually means ties to a line in open water and no utilities. Be aware, that with many National parks, you just cannot drop anchor anywhere.
All that said, you seem new to this, so if you are thinking that a boat/ship is a way to avoid hotel cost, it is about the same as a low cost hotel just for berthing fees (30 euro on up, 50-80 euro typical per night), all dependent on season, how popular the port is, size of boat, what utilities are needed, etc.. It is less for a permanent or long term slip, just as an apartment is cheaper than a hotel, but 2000 euro a year is probably low unless a part of that is just "storage" in an out of way spot. Locals get better deals as well, like any tourist destination, visitors get taxed and charged more.