We will be on a cruise in May with a stop in Dubrovnik. I am looking at a tour that includes walking the walls in Dubrovnik which I really would like to do. My concern is that I have shortness of breath especially when climbing stairs and hills. Can anyone tell me how steep and how many steps to get to the top and once up there is the walk flat or hilly. I am wondering if skip the group tour and do it on our own so I could climb it at my own pace might be a better option. Any advice is greatly appreciated.
There are some sections of the walls with steps, plus the steps to ascend to the walls. But there's no reason you can't go at your own pace.
What is the time frame available? It's best to walk the walls first thing in the morning, ahead of the crowds, but if you're arriving with a group from the cruise ship, you won't have that option. That can mean it's very crowded. Of course, crowds can also mean the general pace is slowed down considerably, so that might work to your advantage.
Don't worry when you read about 1000 steps. Those are spread among the entirety, but at the Pile Gate entrance there are the most (65 to 100 is what I see online--I can't recall but I was a good bit younger when I was there). If you think you'll have a hard time recovering from that and worry about being on the tour, then you can definitely do it yourself at your own pace. There are some inclined portions, but I think you'll be okay on that part, as everyone can't really race along because it is not super wide.
If you put your search into google, you will find further description and can even find a map of the landmarks you see from the wall and be your own tour guide. Good luck!
ETA: Ask the tour operator which entrance they use; if you go on your own, avoid the Pile Gate entrance.
According to AI there are two flights of stairs, one going up and the other going down with about 15 steps per flight. Once you’re on the wall there may be a few more but this is a very easy walk.
besides the staircases to get on and off, there are quite a few more staircases. It's the sun you have to worry about because there is very little shade. Luckily, over the past few years people who live along the wall have set up small cafes where you can stop and have a drink or ice-cream, and sit in the shade. Plan on at least one hour.
There is a third spot where you can exit the wall halfway through. That is by the Maritine Museum. So, if you find yourself slowing down, you can leave the wall there. through the museum.
Many thanks for all of your advice
...wondering if skip the group tour and do it on our own so I could climb it at my own pace...
It is very easy to do it on your own. We did it and took our own sweet time to linger at various spots. Could be wrong, but don't think having a guide would have added much to the walk.
The admission ticket for Dubrovnik’s walls is now €40.
We walked the walls on our own. Took our time. Didn't rush. No need for a guide. It was sunny and warm (in September), so we stopped for a break at a bar along the wall. Took photos whenever we wanted. I think you will be happiest to go on your own. Make sure you have a water bottle and a sun hat.