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Dubrovnik to Zagreb - Train or bus?

We are visiting both Dubrovnik and Zagreb in early October and thought we would see more of the country by going by train or bus, rather than plane. A google search recommends bus over train and I'm wondering why. Trains are generally a more comfortable means of travel but how is the train system in Croatia?

Posted by
55 posts

This is generally great option to see country, but there is no train line coming here. From Zagreb it goes to Split, then no rails.

Then maybe take a car in Split. or bus

Posted by
1026 posts

Busses are the primary people mover, and are pretty good in general. In early October there may still be some ferry service to Split, which is the more comfortable and scenic option. What little train service there is in the region is below the standard you experience in more western countries (for plenty of legit reasons.)

If your only objective is to get to Zagreb, a plane makes the most sense. It’s a long way from Dubrovnik overland.

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4187 posts

Are you opposed to driving? It’s easy to drive in Croatia, not crazy like in some other countries.

Posted by
627 posts

Trains are not anywhere near as robust in terms of schedule, density, or comfort
as in more western European countries. You should not really have any worries
about using a company like Flixbus.

Having said that, if you were to consider driving, there are many potential places
to stop and see along the way between Dubrovnik and Zagreb. At the same time,
gas is ~$8 a gallon.

Posted by
5488 posts

Trains do not go to Dubrovnik. Trains in Croatia are poor compared to the rest of Europe. Most Croatians travel by bus if using public transportation, but I would recommend using a car instead. Croatia is a lot like the US with a dependence on cars to get around. The roads are fantastic in Croatia and easy to navigate. A car in Croatia will also get you to beautiful places that would take ages on a bus (if at all). The buses in Croatia can also be a bit grubby in my personal experience.