Hi! I’ll be in Dubrovnik in October? I understand they’re transitioning to euros in January. But, does anyone know if that’s loosely going into effect before then? Should I get kunas beforehand? Or can I use euros there? Thanks!
According to this website the euro will be introduced on Jan 1, 2023: https://www.gov.uk/foreign-travel-advice/croatia/money#:~:text=The%20currency%20of%20Croatia%20is,in%20most%20banks%20and%20hotels.
Legally the Kuna must still be accepted until January 1, 2023. Practically speaking, the transition to the euro is already happening as hotels and restaurants have been requesting payment in euros for years now.
In Coatia now. All prices are posted in kuna and euros, but officially only kuna are accepted at this time. Some businesses may be making exceptions. Honestly, pay with your credit card, that makes it quite easy.
If you pay with your credit card and are asked if you want to convert to US currency, say no. You want to pay in kunas. Today the euro and dollar match but when you pay in kunas, one kuna is equivalent to $0.13 in American dollars.
Christa, when you’re paying ask. Our B&B was accepting kuna, euro, or even dollars last September. He has a place in Venice also which is on the euro.