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can anyone tell me what the terrain is like around Hotel Aquarius in Dubrovnik?

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21232 posts

The street directly north of the hotel is at the same elevation as the hotel.

The street directly south of the hotel is 20 higher.

The streets on the east and west of the hotel are at about the same elevation.
View to the hotel from the South Street (center building i believe is the hotel),18.0741753,3a,75y,16.99h,79.77t/data=!3m7!1e1!3m5!1suiuC2JgC8wOClRN5m3iuIw!2e0!!7i13312!8i6656

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5687 posts

You can look Google Street View (part of Google Maps) to see exactly what it looks like around and on the streets near the hotel. It's pretty sweet!

I realize now (checking my records) that I stayed at the Hotel Sumratin years ago, which is really close to this hotel. I barely remember what it was like now - I was there only a short time. I had been to Dubrovnik before. I had stayed right by the old town previously - a much better location without a car, which I didn't have on that first trip. I had a car the second trip and parking it in Lapad was easier - I took the bus into the old town one day and that was easy. Lapad itself was pretty ho-hum, not exciting but pleasant.