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Croatia travelling from split to dubrovnik

Has any one had any problems travelling from Split to Dubrovnik. With passport any other papers needed.

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4392 posts

Passport is all you need. They are building a bridge over the small section of Bosnia-Herzegovina that you usually have to pass through when travelling down the coast. It will be finished very soon.

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1230 posts

Nope. No problem when taking the public bus from Split to Dubrovnik in June, 2018. Just needed to show passport. The border control guys came onto the bus and looked at each person's passport individually when we crossed into Bosnia and then when we crossed back into Croatia.

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72 posts

From Split to Dubrovnik you go by Krilo Star speed boat. No borders, only Croatian sea view.

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18 posts

I drove from Split to Dubrovnik last year. Took the coastal road and it was just gorgeous and no toll charges. Stopped at couple of spots to take in the view! We loved the drive.
Great county and awesome people :=)

Many ways to go to Dubrovnik from Split, you can go by car, for a cheaper option you have a train and if you want to enjoy your time on the way then rent a motorboat, it's not too expensive but a good option for travel.