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Bus tickets from Split to Plitivice National Park

Hello. Any ideas on prepurchasing two round trip bus tickets from Split to Plitivice National Park? Travel will be mid May on a Saturday . Would you recommend prepurchase? How best to purchase in advance?

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27617 posts

Please don't day trip to Plitvice from Split. It's a lousy way to see the park, because it gets utterly blasted by day trippers. The walkways will be massively crowded, and you'll just shuffle along as part of the herd. It will not be anything like the experience it could be. What you need to do is spend one night in or just outside the park. Arrive around mid-afternoon and see part of the park as the mobs are leaving. Then get up early the next morning and see the rest before they arrive. It will be a totally different experience.

Take a look at some of these photos of what the park can be like: Plitvice crowds. Those are actually not as bad as what I saw back in 2015, and there are more people traveling now.

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1016 posts is the bus ticket/schedule hub. You’ll find tickets there, and yes I would totally book these ahead.

That said, I agree with acraven 100%. Aside from the suboptimal crowds, you’re going to find managing this is challenging without spending a night there. I would really look hard at your itinerary for a way to do this.