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Bus from Kotor Montenegro to Dubrovnik- times?

We are trying to figure out if there are any late afternoon or evening buses from Kotor to Dubrovnik. We have found a listing for buses around 2:30 PM but would like to leave later if possible as our flight from Moscow to Tivat doesn't get in until 3:30 PM on a Monday. Are there more than 1 or 2 bus companiest that go from Kotot to Dubrovnik? Thank you.

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Since you're traversing 2 separate countries, I am not sure how smooth the transition at the border will be and where you'll be picking up the Croatian bus (does the Croatian city bus go to Montenegro at all? I would think you'll be dealing with 2 bus companies and having to make sure the "gap" in service is reasonable as you switch from one to the other). For maximum flexibility, renting a car seems like the best option.