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Bari to Dubrovnik overnight on the ferry

I came to a closed forum – I believe it was in 2009, but I’m wondering if anybody has done the overnight ferry from Barrie, Italy to Dubrovnik? 10 PM to 8 AM. There are no sleeping cabins on the ferry, evidently. And wondering if anybody has gotten rest on the ship without a sleeping cabin. Anybody with recent experience? Thanks.

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Hi -

I did this trip in 1990 or so as a college junior. It was uncomfortable and really, there wasn't much rest to be had. The chairs reclined, but they weren't very comfy and it's less enjoyable than a plane or train. Luckily, a group of young Greek people were drinking and dancing outside on the ship deck and I pretty much did that for a long while, which helped with eventual sleep. The upside was you can disembark the ferry, grab some breakfast, find a place to sleep - back then the boat was met by local women offering space in their homes - and then head down to the beach for a nap.

You should check flights though - I have heard that you can find cheap flights and it will save you a ton of time!

Dubrovnik was one of my favorite places to visit. Have fun!

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245 posts

We did this trip in 2016. We were able to sleep in a cabin with our own bathroom. Not luxury, but clean.

Our ticket included breakfast.

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I have even written the company, and they say there are no cabins. I wonder if they have reconfigured the ferry. I’m not sure we can do another sleep last night, a couple of nights after overnighting to arrive in Italy. I don’t sleep well on a plane!