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Airport transport Hotel Lero to Dubrovnik airport

I'm excited to be going on the RS best of the Adriatic this September. I am an older single traveler. What is the best way to get from Hotel Lero in Dubrovnik to the airport? Also, how early do I need to be to the airport. I have an early morning flight.

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88 posts

If I remember correctly, the airport counters don't open until 6AM, regardless of flight time,so you might use that as a guide.

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592 posts

Platanus runs buses to the airport that are timed to line up with depatures,
so if you can get to one of the stops (at Grawe or Pile Gate), you can catch
the bus for a lot less than a taxi. However, if you want to get picked up at
the hotel, a cab may be the best option.

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239 posts

I took this tour last October. The guide collected our flight information and helped put together a schedule of people who could share airport transportation. This is pretty standard on RS tours and I suspect that your guide will do the same thing. Enjoy the tour, we did.