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Time of day may matter // Rental cars

Was looking at setting up rental car for Hawaii. ( Costco site)

One week rental beginning at Noon was $100 more than for a one week rental beginning at 1:30PM.

Accidentally discovered the difference when I adjusted the pick up time to fit with my flight arrival time. The default time is 'Noon", on the Costco site.

If a rental rate looks ugly expensive, you may want to try adjusting the pick up time to see if it makes a difference, assuming you have a bit of flexibility in your schedule

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1139 posts

Joes32F, it has everything to do with what time you select to pick up and what time you select to return. Since you want your rental at 1:30pm; the day you return it should be before 1:30pm to not incur an extra hours or day rates. There's nothing magic about changing the default from noon and everything to do with the return times not being later than the pick up time.

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2506 posts

hey hey joe32F
are you only using costco? which island you going to? big island to see madame pele get pi$$y and blow her stack!! LOL
look at or
keep an eye on prices and if lower book cheaper one and cancel first car. do it as much as you want to get lower fee.i see they charge for that few hours over as a day rate and shocked how much for drop-off fee from one airport to another. wow how times change, use to be zero then $50, now i see $150, that's crazy. anything to put $$$$$$ in deep pockets!
have a great trip