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Rental car insurance

Do any charge cards cover the liability insurance on rental cars in the Netherlands? Or should you pay the big bucks for it?

Posted by
5913 posts

Depends on the card. Ours covers for most countries in Western Europe. None of ours covers Italian rentals.

Posted by
8374 posts

Rental cars come with liability insurance at no extra cost. European countries are very strict about liability insurance and "green cards" in every car on their roads.
It's the CDW insurance that is optional. And in Ireland and Italy it's a mandatory option. Many people have CDW insurance on their charge cares. I often will print a copy of my credit card's list of terms when I travel outside the country. Often, rental agents will tell people that CDW is mandatory when the renters' credit cards provide coverage. And sometimes they'll throw on another "personal belongings" insurance that pays for clothes stolen from rental cars--not needed.

Posted by
5913 posts

I obviously was having a senior moment when I wrote my previous post. David is of course correct. The rental company is responsible for the liability insurance. It's the Collision coverage that may be included with the credit cards. I should have known better, since we've had to claim it once.

Posted by
8101 posts

In the unfortunate event that you have to file a claim, and were using your credit card’s coverage, there will be a lot of paperwork involved, and it will take a long time to process. Keep a copy of everything, including legible police reports, tow truck receipts, rental forms, everything.

Posted by
4839 posts

Always, always, always check your insurance coverage before every trip, whether it car rental on your credit card or health insurance. Policies and coverage are always being updated/changed. When I went through my usual checklist last Spring I discovered my Am-Ex no longer provided coverage. I'm sure I probably got a notice at some point in the mail detailing changes but those forms are usually long and dull and I don't pay the attention that I should.

Am-Ex was my back up to my back up anyway but neither my Visa or Mastercard cover me outside of Canada and the US.

Posted by
8173 posts

This thread is not detailed enough for an exquisitely complex topic. For example, Italy's required CDW is not 0-deductible, "walk-away" coverage. It can still leave 2,000 to 5,000 Euros if payment on the renter.

Even "cover" in the OP does not discuss primary and secondary coverage issues for people who own cars. I suggest you use the Search box top left for your topic. You need to read many more replies.

Posted by
34635 posts

no way I'm following that link down the rabbit hole. Even the name - bad follow.

If you are genuine bad follow start your own thread and ask specific questions.

And if you are genuine please explain what you mean by a long stay. 2 years? A month? 200 days?