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Reminders - Old & New

{Edit: SOURCE}
An ordinary travel mug isn't just good for your tea and coffee. It's also a great place to hide valuables in your hotel room since it's fairly inconspicuous, and an unlikely target for thieves. Here are a few more travel hacks that will make your trip easier and save you a few dollars, too.

First and foremost, scan or photograph your passport and ID. Then email the images to yourself. This way, you'll always have a digital copy handy in case of loss or theft.

Next, if your clothes always seem to be taking up too much luggage space, try rolling them up instead of folding them. This will open up a lot of room, which can sometimes save you from paying extra baggage fees.

Packing an empty water bottle will also help you squeeze a few more dollars out of your budget. Just fill it up once you get through security, and you won't have to buy overpriced airport water ever again. You can also re-use the bottle throughout your trip to save even more money.

Lastly, if you happen to forget the wall plug-in for your phone charger, check the back of your hotel TV. A lot of the newer models will have a USB port where you can recharge your phone without spending more for a new charger.

Give these travel hacks a try on your next trip. Not only will you lower your expenses, but you'll avoid a few headaches, too.

Posted by
2257 posts

These are all great tips. For water, I bought and love the collapsible water bottles. My standby is an older Platypus (with a shorter lid than you can get nowadays), but I also own a Vapur. If I don't fill it up all the way, I can slip the flat bottle into a purse or fanny pack.

Posted by
11613 posts

Having a copy of your passport may get you checked into a hotel but you still need to replace it. If you are in a city with a US consulate or embassy, it can be done in an hour. Don't ask how I know.

Posted by
4085 posts

Compression bags for packing clothes reduce wrinkles and take less space than folded or rolled articles.

Posted by
8293 posts

Can someone explain how rolling your clothes for packing takes up less room in the suitcase than just folding and pressing down well?

Posted by
7131 posts

I've tried all methods of packing (rolling, folding, compression bags, packing cubes) except bundling, which to me only makes sense if you're going to unpack once for the whole trip. For me, the one that gives me the best use of space seems to be rolling. I can't explain why, it just does. When it comes to packing, you have to try the methods and see what works best for you and stick with that method, doesn't matter what anybody else says.

Posted by
9123 posts

Take a small flash drive with pertinent info on it. Just in case your phone, iPad and laptop are all stolen. That way you'll STILL have a digital copy of everything. (Passport, prescriptions, etc.) Take twist ties, waxed dental floss and a small roll of duct tape Many uses besides the obvious ones.

Posted by
507 posts

2-Norma . . .

"Can someone explain how rolling your clothes for packing takes up less room in the suitcase than just folding and pressing down well?"

That is a question for the author of the article. The link is posted. Let us know what the answer is. :-)

2-Claudia . . . For me keeping up with a flash drive would be similar to keeping up with my keys. :-/

I like the idea of sending the pics back to home email. I can get to it anywhere as long as I remember the password.

(No comments from the peanut gallery needed.)

What do all of you think of using your travel coffee mug as the author suggested?

Posted by
8293 posts

"What do all of you think of using your travel mug as the author suggested?" I never use a travel mug at home or abroad but I suppose I could make room for it in my luggage by rolling my clothes instead of folding. (If I ever used smiley faces this is where I would use one. But I don't.) By the way, I seem to remember the advice to roll and not fold in previous posts, was to keep clothes wrinkle free, not to have them take up less room. However such advice is lost on me because I don't obsess about travelling with carry-on only.

Posted by
15773 posts

It seems to me when I packed that rolling clothes allows me to fill up the "corners" and odd empty spaces between other items. I only do it when I'm going somewhere for a few days and want to take a small bag. Of course, carry-on doesn't apply to me because my flights to Europe have 8 kg. weight limits.

I don't know if the travel mug would work. I guess if you stuff it in the back of a drawer or shelf. But if it's on a table, isn't the maid going to move it and notice there's something rattling inside? If she's looking to steal your valuables . . . . The only valuables I can think of that would fit in a mug are items of jewelry. When I travel, if I'm not wearing it, it stays at home.

Posted by
9153 posts

My trip to Berlin, Potsdam and Dresden this past summer convinced me to roll rather than fold as I had always done. My bag was too full as I had purchased too many books, so took everything out, rolled the clothes and viola! it all fit with room to spare. Really a surprise. I am now a convert and will never fold again. For one, it makes it easier to find your clothing without messing up the other clothes and it really does give you far more space. Try it and see, as this is the only way to find out if it works for you. My trip to Ohio in Oct. convinced me again that rolling was the way to pack and I was able to get far more into my suitcases than I thought I would.

Most hotels have extra chargers as people leave them behind so always ask your front desk if they have one if you have forgotten yours.

A travel mug takes up way too much space, so this isn't something I would schlepp with me on my travels.

Posted by
31 posts

I will never understand how rolling clothes can take less space than folding.
I am a male and my clothings are mostly collar t-shirt. I fold them into exact half both horizontal and vertical and I stack 6 - 7 pieces usually. No ugly wrinkles. I tried to roll individual piece but can never be a smaller space, as there are more gaps between shirts and within each piece.
The gaps near the corners of my luggage will be used for the other items.

Posted by
507 posts


I have been scratching my head about the travel mug, also. Line the inside of the cup with a (clean) sock & put jewelry in it? I wonder if the author of the article has tried that one out.

Posted by
15773 posts

You're right, Colette. The sock would keep the jewelry quiet. But still, why would you take expensive jewelry on a trip? And if you do, why would you leave it in a hotel room?

Posted by
507 posts


I would not take any jewelry on a trip with me with the exception of my engagement/wedding rings that remain on my left hand 24/7.

There are people who would bring jewelry & think nothing of it.

I do wonder what the author thought of putting for safekeeping in a travel mug?

{Edit: after watching the video the actor/author is seen putting his BoA credit card, his watch, & a $10 bill in a travel mug.}

Posted by
5697 posts

Hmm ... travel mug to hold a watch (stays on my wrist), credit card and $10 bill (stay on my body inside money belt) -- might be better off just using the clean sock as a hiding place and throwing it in the laundry bag with the dirty stuff.

Posted by
9123 posts

The flash drive goes in the money belt. Common sense.

I'd use the mug to put my keys and loose change in overnight but would empty it each morning. However, wouldn't pack a mug for this purpose. Waste of space.

Posted by
3318 posts

RE: rolling clothes

Suddenly dawned on me, like usual, I have everything ___ backwards. My clothes are rolled in my bureau at home, but I use pack sacks in my suitcase… Hmmm

Posted by
507 posts

2 - Wray . . . Thanks for the smile.

2 - Claudia . . . Why carry a flash drive (extra) when I have pics of the documents in an email I can pull up if needed? Double duty & to each her own. :-)


Posted by
23574 posts

Because an email is not secure. Am amazed at people who claim to be security conscious but think nothing of putting lots of personal information in an email. I do email my cc numbers but the numbers are encoded.

Posted by
145 posts


Here is one more vote to the flash drive gang. Also, I try not to log in to my email account on the road abroad if I can help it.


Posted by
11613 posts

For me, whether to roll or pack flat depends on what else is in the suitcase. Lately rolling seems to be a better use of space.

Posted by
507 posts

Hmmmmmm. Am going to have a serious talk w/son with degree & job in IT regarding the safety of emails. I would not access this email unless on a secure server, not my laptop.

It's worth checking out w/a person well-versed in computer technology.