hi all. I thought I read someplace that rick steves will reimburse anyone the cost of their passport, if its a new one. I haven't been able to find that info on this site again. does anyone know what I'm talking about and where could I find this info? thank you!
mburatti, I believe that used to be an offer if you booked one of his tours. I dont see that offer in the tour section now; maybe that ended when the passport cost doubled, or they found it wasn't drawing in enough new travelers. But why not call the tour office and ask directly.
As far as I know, that ended 3 years ago for folks not taking an RS a tour, and applied to only 2 winners of the contest. The details:
Thanks Kathy, I didn't remember him being that generous.
Stan, I won't swear that they still offer passport reimbursement for tour-takers not yet in possession of one but as you wisely suggested, the OP could ask. :O)
I found the statement regarding Rick paying for first-time passports for those signed up on his tours. Go to the bottom of this page and click on FAQ. Then Guided Tours, then Reservations.
“First Passport: If you've never been issued a US passport, Rick will deduct your $145 passport cost ($115 for minors) from your tour balance (discount must be requested prior to making final tour payment). After booking your tour, send us copies of your receipts for both the application fee and the execution fee, dated within 12 months of your Rick Steves tour departure.”
When I took my daughter on her tour and her first time to Europe, we were reimbursed for her passport. It was a nice perk.