If you have a Chase Visa credit card and plan on using their car rental insurance, rather than calling the phone number on the card and "Push 2 if you want a lobotomy, Push 3 if you ......", They have a web site that instantly sent me the letter:
That is handy. This past fall, I phoned, and it did take some time to get the letter mailed (U.S. Postal Service; e-mail isn’t an option) to us.
We did have a claim after renting in Norway, and eclaimsline.com processed it quickly, sending us a 100% reimbursement. You do need to have documentation, and, fortunately, Hertz Norway provided damage and repair documentation (mostly in Norwegian) that was needed.
Thanks, I have bookmarked this just in case we need it.
Good idea but you added an e to the website
Or to skip a click