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Foreign ATMs and US Credit Unions

Does anyone have experience following Rick's advice about using foreign ATMs to get cash when they bank with a US Credit Union? I'm thinking it might not work as smoothly as when one is accessing a traditional US bank. I'm looking for any insights about (excess) fees, finding (or not finding) the accepted Interbank Network for our credit union, and so on.

Thank you for your comments.

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5788 posts

Welcome to the forum. Most credit unions allow for ATM card use in Europe. Is yours backed by either Mastercard or Visa ( logo on the card)? What are the terms of use for your particular credit union for out of network fees? You should be able to find that online. Or you could phone your credit union and ask.

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6687 posts

We have never had an issue finding an ATM that is affiliated with our credit union. For us, it has been trial and error to find a bank ATM with the best/no fees. Never, allow DCC. We always try to use an ATM affiliated with a bank, during banking hours. Once a card got "eaten" in Varenna, Italy. Totally, our fault, we were mistaken on our PIN. We were able to go into the bank and get our card back.

I've traveled to France, Spain, Portugal, Poland, Netherlands, Belgium, Luxembourg, Germany, Switzerland, Italy (including Sicily), Austria, Hungary, Czech Republic (and New Zealand and Mexico), we have never struggled to find an ATM affiliated with either our credit union or our bank. Be aware that the fee less ATMs are disappearing. Our primary accounts are with our credit union. I used to have a Wells Fargo account and recently switched the funds to Charles Schwab. I've not used it yet, but Schwab will reimburse fees.

At this point, we are confident enough with the ATMs that we do not routinely get cash prior to a trip (though we do maintain a stash of Euros from trip to trip)

It might help you get more information if you tell us the networks shown on the back of the card and where your travels will take you.

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15082 posts

My main accounts are at a local credit union. I've used my debit card at ATMs all over Western Europe and have had a 1% fee taken out. So the last ATM withdrawal I could find was in 2021 for $370.50 (must have gotten out 350Euro because that is a weird amount, lol) and was charged $3.71. I don't usually use it at point of purchase although I now have this in my AppleWallet so could easily use it next trip.

I did have a debit card at another bank that was a Northwest chain and they charged $5 for each withdrawal. I stupidly did not ask ahead of time so that was a shock.

The only issues I've had with the debit card is that in 2013 I'd done a travel notification and they did not put it thru so my ATM withdrawal was declined. I emailed my brother who was a designated rep on my account and he called the next day. Since then I go in to do the travel notice in person and say, one time this did not get opened for international use and I need for that to happen. I also started carrying 2 debit cards as my brokerage account has debit access as well. I just use that for back up.

I'll also say that my cash usage has declined drastically in recent years and I use ApplePay nearly all the time. Editing to add - I also maintain a cash stash from trip to trip.

Posted by
592 posts

I’ve used my credit union’s debit card all over the world - China, Italy, Vietnam, India, Poland, Morocco, Hungary, you name it. I’ve never had any significant problem. My credit union does ask to be notified when I plan to use the card outside my home state. I just stop in and give them the information about any upcoming trip.

Posted by
782 posts

Schwab will reimburse fees

I use Fidelity's card for ATMs in Europe. Like Schwab it's a no fee card to get and to use for foreign transactions. I only use it for travel. I have a local bank card for fee-free local cash.

Also, make sure your credit card has no foreign transaction fees. Most of the hotel and airline partner cards provide this if you need a new card. Be prepared to use a credit card more than cash in European cities. Tap, tap, tap.

Posted by
2 posts

I am so appreciative of the thoughtful and quick comments folks have submitted in reply to my concern. Thank you, you have given me many good ideas to follow up on. I think following these tips should alleviate my concerns. Thanks!

Posted by
437 posts

Take a look at your card, you can see the logos on your card of the systems that your card/bank is affiliated with J

Posted by
1280 posts

Hi Diane. Also fyi, depending on where you're going, it's common to use very little cash, since in many countries the default preferred payment method is by card, even for small transactions There's a separate recent thread in General Europe about this. Have a great trip!

Posted by
5920 posts

Do you have an ATM only card or a debit card (e.g., with Visa or Mastercard logo). This was years ago, but my credit union ATM card did not work overseas. I had to upgrade to a Visa-branded debit card.