Regardless, be sure to notify your bank and credit card companies that you will be traveling. Otherwise they may see a foreign transaction, suspect fraud, and shut down access to your cards.
This is one tactic that has, and continues to change. I used to religiously notify cards of travel, but in the last several trips have not even bothered. The reason is that the reaction of those I spoke with ranged from "sure...but not needed" to "I will note it, but you might get a call to verify", to "If we have a question on a transaction, we will text or call"
In my experience, with the chip technology, they know if the card is present. The assumption is then that you are with the card, otherwise you will report the card stolen. On my Chip and PIN card, they never question a "card present" transaction if the PIN is used (Of course, yeah, the US and Chip and PIN, that whole fiasco) In my dozen or so trips since I stopped calling, never had a case where a card was blocked, or even a call about a transaction.
The only fraud notifications I have ever received have been cases where the card is not present, maybe 4 times in 10 years?
However, if it is your first time traveling, sure, call, there are probably other questions you should ask.