My husband and I will be hiking tour de Mont Blanc mid-August to the end of August. We are already in Europe and need to continue training hiked. We are currently in Grenoble, France and are thinking about hiking the Camino Portuguese. But this hike does not include cool days and multiple hills. The best part of this trek is it will not be super expensive. Does anyone have a suggestion as to to an area to spend July with training hikes but in a fairly economical area.
The Vercors, right above Grenoble, is quite affordable and has tons of hiking opportunities. Since you're almost there, you'd save on travel costs too. The Chartreuse works as well.
I would avoid N Portugal at the moment: a heatwave is starting! I just arrived in Galicia yesterday and I was really surprised by the heat, even along the coast.
What kind of terrain and what kind of weather are you looking for?