Elliott Confidential published a small chart this morning indicating the percentage of cash-based payments in the world, here are the European countries' rankings. I have no idea how accurate this is, but it's interesting. Based on a study by Merchant Machine, merchantmachine.co.uk , the use of cash continues to decline in Europe. The numbers are a result of analysis of the metrics of internet access, percentage with a credit card, number of ATMs unbanked population, and cash reliant index score out of 10. The study indicates that cash is still prevalent in Eastern Europe. The author lamented the fact that he was required to pay for a meal in kuna in Croatia, but they "didn't tell (me) until after I ordered the meal". Duh. If you're not sure, ask.
1 Norway Cash-based payments 2%, reliance score 1.54
2 Finland Cash-based payments 2%, reliance score 1.87
5 Sweden Cash-based payments 1%, reliance score 2.10
6 Denmark Cash-based payments 1%, reliance score 2.15
7 Switzerland Cash-based payments 2%, reliance score 2.21
8 UK Cash-based payments 1%, reliance score 2.22
10 Netherlands Cash-based payments 4%, reliance score 2.46
Sandwiched between these are New Zealand, Hong Kong, and Singapore.
The most cash-reliant countries? Morocco, Egypt and Kenya