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Buying insurance for travel

I just booked a tour on Viking for the fall. Which is 9 months away. The insurance is 800 dollars and I think I need to get insurance given that it’s such a far time off. My question is are there cheaper insurance options out there. My bank or credit cards does not appear to cover this. Any recommendations for other companies that offer less expensive travel insurance. I live in the US

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23743 posts

800 does sound high. But ---- what is being covered? The insurance premium "should" range between 5 to 10% of the value of what is being covered. Also, you insure only out-of-pocket expenses or lost. There is cheaper insurance but you may be insuring less value. Travel insurance can be a little tricky getting it right.

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6713 posts

I think I need to get insurance given that it’s such a far time off.

Insurance would be a good idea but you don't have to buy it this far ahead of your trip unless you want coverage for pre-existing conditions, like a chronic illness that might prevent your taking the trip. You'll also pay more for "cancel for any reason" (CFAR) coverage that pays you back even if your reason for cancelling is just changing your mind about the trip, or concern about Covid or some other risk.

If all you want is your money back if the tour operator goes out of business (unlikely with Viking), or you break your arm the day before you were going to leave home, or payment for the cost of medical care on the trip, or payment for medical evacuation if necessary, or payment of costs you might incur if you're delayed arriving or returning, or reimbursement for lost luggage, or similar coverage of predictable risks beyond your control, you can buy that insurance any time before your trip starts. I suggest looking at your contract with Viking to see when they expect full payment and what their cancellation policy is. When does the money you've paid them become non-refundable, in an amount you're not willing to absorb? That's when you should be buying insurance, including coverage for other risks like medical costs abroad, trip delay, and such.

The Squaremouth and Insuremytrip websites, linked above, have lots of general information about buying insurance, as well as helpful comparison tools for lots of carriers. But it is important to review carefully the terms each carrier offers.

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883 posts

You are wise to start now. Comparative shopping takes time, especially if you're actually reading the policies. Most companies offer several levels of coverage and charges vary with that. You have to decide how much health and evacuation coverage you want, and the level of trip interruption that is most appropriate for you. That's what would cover you if you needed to come home for a family emergency as well as when you cut your trip short based on your health needs. Less critical coverage would be value of insured baggage. We've used insurance twice in recent years. The coverage was adequate for our needs, and we were glad to have it. As for your $800 cruise company insurance, I'd contact the carrier directly to compare prices. Factors the insurance companies include are your age, your travel companion's age, the state in which you reside, the entire value of the trip, and in some cases, the destination (e.g. for a safari). If you're planning and pre-or-post cruise travel, consider combining cruise insurance with coverage that covers the land portion. Or, it may be cheaper to purchase a "land package" (i.e. not specifically cruise only); more often than not, they cover cruising as well. We have used DAN (Diver's Alert Network) for all our travel in the past 5 years. The costs are reasonable and you can always get someone on the phone. Their travel coverage is separate from dive insurance.

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1412 posts

Who gave you the $800 quote? Are you buying insurance for medical, trip cancellation, interruption or for everything? Do you have a serious pre-existing condition?

You have time to go to your bank or another bank and apply for a new credit card with better travel coverage. As long as most of your trip is paid for with the card, you will be entitled to the coverage.

Check your employment contract. If your job includes medical coverage, there is a chance it may include travel medical.

Also go to your local auto association office to check out their prices. I live in Canada and found topping up my travel medical insurance with BCAA to be very reasonable.

Search online as suggested by others. Good luck.

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9098 posts

The place to start is what costs are you trying to cover?
Trip Cancellation?
Trip Interruption?
Medical evacuation?
Lost Luggage?

You need to identify what costs from your trip. (Airfare, Cruise, add ons) would not be refundable if you needed to cancel. That would determine the value of coverage that you need. The next component is that travel insurance usually takes in mind your age and that impacts the premium as well.

I think $800 is high, but I don't know what and for how many people you are trying to cover. We would probably need more information.