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Bad experience with money belt

Wearing a money belt that is tied to the waist belt via loops is most unintrusive. While transferring from one leg to another in Hong Kong, I did not expect a security check within the airport and did not think much of it. Even though I wore a TSA-friendly non-metal belt, the security officer insisted I remove my belt. Only during the second leg did I realize that my money belt was separated from me and was lying somewhere in the airport. Fortunately for me, I had only a few dollar equivalent of Sri Lankan Rupees in it. I no longer use that kind of pouch to keep valuables.

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2795 posts

Unfortunately, there are sometimes unexpected security checks in airports. I never wear hidden pockets or a moneybelt when in transit, only just before exiting an airport.

Posted by
6739 posts

Sorry about your experience. Its so easy to forget something in the rush of those security lines.

Posted by
727 posts

What an unfortunate situation to have occurred. Essentially preparing for security includes money belt removal. I wait until after security checks to put on my money belt for departures. For arrivals I put on my belt just before departing the airport. I have found that a money belt attached to my belt to be the best solution.

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2 posts

I always wear a money belt. It's the best way to keep your cash, credit cards, and passport safe. However, when I put my items on the security belt, I take it off (usually just put it over my head) and stick it in my backpack as it goes through security. After getting through security, I take it back out and place it pull it over my head and around my waist it goes. It's my routine and so far, it works perfectly.

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8139 posts

That’s fortunate you didn’t leave a lot of money behind at the airport!

I store my money belt with all of the contents, except my passport, deep inside my backpack luggage before I leave for our home airport. After going through all of the security, etc. checks at the last airport, I go into the airport bathroom and put on my money belt and place my passport inside it.

When traveling solo:
Same scenario as above except the money belt is in a small crossbody purse for the overnight flight. I place my money belt & passport inside it - nothing else in it, and wear my lightweight raincoat over it. I put those on in the bathroom before getting on the plane. That keeps my valuables secure while I am sleeping or going to the bathroom on the plane.

Posted by
563 posts

I wore a money-belt once...never again, just too cumbersome and I didn't find terribly practical. I get its purpose but, I think there's better options out there.

I now prefer pants with a variety of hidden pockets where I can stash cash and docs in a variety of places. If I know I'm going through a gauntlet of security, I can pull everything out and squirrel it away into a small pouch, then put that into my backpack as it goes through the scanner.

Posted by
8374 posts

We have found that money belts are not essential in that we no longer carry any money on us.

Most expenses are paid with a Visa card. What little cash we use on trips are withdrawn with our bank ATM card. And charge cards are easily hidden on our bodies.

Posted by
8708 posts

I also do not wear money belts. I mentioned this in another thread, but I wore one on my first trip overseas in the 90's and it came undone while I was walking (I had it under my raincoat) and fell off. I eventually got the contents back as someone found it and turned it into the police, but I decided that was it for me.

And as others have noted above, cash is almost obsolete now. I use Apple Wallet or a credit card for just about every purchase, and only carry a very small amount of money.

Periscope, my day bag is a crossbody bag that holds my wallet, phone and various sundries (basically the same thing I carry at home). I do bring a packable tote with me (again, as I do at home) because you never know when a shopping opportunity will arise. 😊

Posted by
4657 posts

For travels beyond Europe, I use a money belt. As a Canadian, I need to buy US before leaving home. So I understand the challenges that may arise during unexpected additional security checks during transfers. I always get flustered on these, as I have already put on my money belt, moved my lotion or some other liquids to my 'flight pack' and refilled my water bottle. Whereas US agents grab at my waterbottle to toss it all away (or scowl and point at a bin), the Japanese agent offers me the chance to drink the contents and then continue on through.
I have often had to 'pull over' out of people's way and rearrange my stuff to be security line compliant.
It isn't surprising if things are not as well packed and get left behind. Glad there wasn't much in your money pouch.

Posted by
697 posts

I've never seen the need for a moneybbelt. You don't wear one at home, so why wear one when traveling? I carry my cash and cards in my wallet as per normal, and passport and spare cards in a passport wallet in my hand carry luggage. I never carry liquids in hand carry, and have a pocket in my bag for laptop, so I can easily remove it.

Security checks in transit are fairly common. Dubai has requirement, this as does Singapore, which has security at each gate rather than at entry to the transit area.

Posted by
50 posts

Neither my husband nor I ever wore a money belt or a wallet hanging from our neck. We had bought both but found them too uncomfortable and impractical. On our first trip to Italy I found a small wallet with a hook on it that I put in my front pocket and hooked it to my pant's belt hook. I also had read in Fodor's forum over 20 years ago that you should put a rubber band around your wallet. The rubber band causes friction in the pocket liner of the pants when the wallet is pulled out, making the wearer acutely aware when the wallet is being removed.

Hope these tidbits help.

Posted by
2169 posts

I follow the same procedures as Jean noted (above). I store my money belt with everything except my passport inside my carry-on luggage before I leave for the airport. After going through security, I go into the airport bathroom, put on my money belt, and put my passport inside it. I also use a small crossbody purse for the flight. This has worked for me for 20+ trips.