Hi, my sister is planning to go visit Medjogorje City in Bosnia Herzegovina. She's a believer and wants to make a pilgrim voyage. What is, in your opinion, the fastest way or the easiest way to go from Paris to Medjogorje. Any idea or opinion ?
(Ghazi Haddad, her brother)
To far for much other than a flight. Check flights to Split, Dubrovnik and Sarajevo as they are all about the same distance. Then if you need ground transportation, PM me.
For those curious: https://www.tektonministries.org/the-story-of-medjugorje/?gclid=Cj0KCQjwk7ugBhDIARIsAGuvgPaIIfsgcCWc3f9AT9ATyBtwG-KsSMlXBxnhOki401WO7JDig9uawMIaAtJcEALw_wcB
If she doesn't want to pay for a private transfer all the way from the arrival airport, my guess is that flying to Sarajevo will work out best. It gets her to the right country. There aren't too many buses crossing borders in the Balkans.
However, some quick Googling suggests there may be several buses a day from Split, so that might turn out to be the most efficient landing point.
Note: I haven't been to Bosnia-Hercegovina in ages, and I've never been to Medjugorje.