I was looking at Tara National Park and it looks stunning. My parents and I plan to visist Tuscany, Slovenia, Croatia, Bosnia and Montrengro next summer and were considering maybe going to Tara. I was looking at driving times and it is over a 5 hour drive one way to Tara from Mostar and that is way to much to do in one day and back. Is there a faster way to get there, or is Durmitor in Montenegro on par? Thanks!
We drove from Mostar to Scepan Polja, stayed at a rafting camp and went on rafting for 1/2 day. To give you an idea of the roads, the border crossing at Scepan Polja shows as a bigger road on the map. It is actually a one lane bridge with a wood driving surface. You should be able to find a photo on the internet if you want confirmation. Montenegro is challenging. It does not have the good roads, few good hotels and less english is spoken than Croatia. We really enjoyed our time there.
If you go, allow enough time to enjoy it. You can return later to visit the next area.