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8130 posts

That’s troubling. We’ve been able to visit parts of the former Yugoslavia, but not Bosnia. Hope it remains a place that can be visited.

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2934 posts

In this week's radio show Rick speaks with Paul Theroux and they agree that we shouldn't put off visiting places anywhere b/c they might not be there anymore or they might be vastly altered at least sooner than we could imagine possible.

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21709 posts

I was in Croatia, Bosnia & Herzegovina, the Republika Srpska and Montenegro in July this year. I cant avoid discussing politics and they were more than happy to go there. Yes, it was pretty obvious from the conversations that the war is not over for a lot of people. Go now as who knows what next year will bring, and dont wear a I love Serbia t-shirt in Croatia.

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4136 posts

Thanks for the article. Over the last two weeks, I have read...

  • Robert Kaplan's Balkan Ghosts: A Journey through History. Lots of interesting history with respect to the Balkans. Lots of caricatures and negative conclusions with respect to Balkan people. Bill Clinton was seen with the book shortly after its publication, resulting in it being labeled -- rightly or wrongly -- as contributing to his inaction for much of the Bosnian War.
  • John Bills' A Currency for the Cat: Travels in Bosnia and Herzegovina. The book details the author's 2018 travels through BiH, offering interesting anecdotes to those who can wade through the author's passages on his bowels, his body odor, and his self-loathing.

So, the article is of particular interest to me. I have the outline of a 25-day trip to BiH on my hard drive for August 2022. I hope a better peace than that offered by the Dayton Accords can be brokered -- not so much to save my trip, but to avoid another Srebrenica, another Prijedor, another war.