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Two good shows on PBS

For those who are going to Pompeii or who have been, PBS just aired Secrets of the Dead which gives more insight into the daily lives of the Pompeiians and the discoveries that are still being made there.

Also on Nature, Running with the Beest is about Kenya and Tanzania’s keystone wildebeest population. The show talks about the impact of global warming, encroachment of humans on the area and the negative impact of over tourism at the Mara River crossing. Good food for thought on responsible tourism and the impact we are all having on that aspect of the environment.

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9436 posts

Just watched Secrets of the Dead Pompeii and i agree, it’s very good.

Another exceptionally good show just started this past Sunday on Masterpiece Mystery called The Magpie Murders. Written by Anthony Horowitz, who wrote Foyle’s War.

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There is still a lot to be discovered in Pompeii as it has not been completely excavated. Areas of Pompeii have been left untouched on purpose to allow for future exploration and improved archeological techniques. I also thought it was interesting that the date of the Vesuvius eruption has been changed from what we originally thought it to be. Also of note is that there are still grave robbers out there looking to cash in on the black market.

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Tammy, we love PBS Passport. There are so many good shows we would otherwise miss.

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6003 posts

Pls let me know if Secrets of the Dead will be repeated. I only caught the last 30 minutes. Thx so much!

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2570 posts

Pat, these shows generally repeat during the week. On our station Secrets repeated the next afternoon at 3 pm. You might check your local listings. We have Passport so we can watch the show at our leisure. For $60 a year, Passport is a bargain for us especially since we watch a lot of PBS programming.

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2570 posts

Susan, Magpie Murders looks really good. I’ll have to catch that one. I love anything British.

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28769 posts

Pat, those shows are definitely repeated here, probably more than once, but the schedule varies by station. Your best bet is to do a schedule search; you may need to repeat that for week after week, because repeats could happen next spring or summer.

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2069 posts

I've loved Anthony Horowitz since he wrote for Poirot and Foyle's War. Also loved "House of Silk" and can recommend if you are a Sherlock Holmes fan.

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9436 posts

heather, i edited my post, meant to say Anthony Horowitz. Yes, he’s brilliant.

Mary, i do think you’ll like Magpie Murders. So intelligently well done.

The eruption change of time of year was so interesting, based on the clothes they found people were wearing.
So much of their new info was fascinating to me. I’ve been interested in everything Pompeii since i first went when i was 7 yrs old. On a sociology level, how they lived has always intrigued me. And that’s why this show was particularly good, it focused on how they lived, not on the eruption.