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The Temporary European-great read by Cameron Hewitt

As I was feeling sorry for myself when our first European vacation since before the pandemic ended in a nasty bout of COVID, my dear wife thrust this book into my hand and said “you need to read this!”. She was right, it’s terrific. Cameron, for lack of a better term, is Rick Steves right hand man. If you’ve read any RS guidebook, you’ve read Camerons words. He has great insights, terrific humor. This book has you sticking your nose under the tent to really see what it’s like to be a guidebook author (spoiler alert: not that glamorous) and have more than a few chuckles at Camerons expense. As most of us Europhiles pack it in for the winter (except for those intrepid souls seeking Christmas markets) get this book, put on your comfy jammies, throw another log on the fire, and travel a bit more, albeit in someone else’s shoes.

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5644 posts

I picked up Cameron's book a few months ago, intending to skim a few chapters. I enjoyed it so much that I went back and read the chapters I'd missed.

And when the ATM in Lisbon devoured my debit card, I just kept thinking "Jams are Fun!"

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2895 posts

I read this while on my trip in June and very much enjoyed it too. Especially ironic because we found ourselves in quite an end-of-trip jam, just like Cameron's aunt Mildred would have found to be fun. My nephew and I are now laughing about the "murder hotel" (long story). I also enjoyed Cameron's candor about what sounds like a glamorous job. After taking four RS tours that included a few challenging tour members, I'm pretty sure I wouldn't excel at that job!

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324 posts

Cameron's book is definitely a must read for everyone who enjoys travel! His way with words takes you from one adventure to the next even when you are sitting in your own home. Like you CWsocial, I thought that I would pick and choose the chapters that interested me. But instead I read it cover to cover and enjoyed it immensely! So much so that I was prompted to drive to the next state to hear him speak, which was well worth it.

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3961 posts

Thanks Alan. Huge Cameron Hewitt fan! We met Cameron when he taught a travel class prior to our trip to Central Europe in 2019. I have “The Temporary European” on my Kindle and read it 5 months ago. It’s one of those books that is a wonderful resource and a reread. Enjoy!

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1005 posts

I’m another fan of this book! I read it when it was first available several months ago and really enjoyed it. It’s a good book to read any time, but especially when you are in the mood for travel but aren’t going anywhere.

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6636 posts

Alan, your review is dead on. We loved this book; it might be time to revisit it.

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2852 posts

I read this on my trip to Italy earlier this month. Perfect vacation reading. I enjoyed it a lot, but I guess I'm not as good a traveler as Cameron. I will say "Jams make for good stories" or "You can survive Jams" but I just can't bring myself to say "Jams are fun."

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3961 posts

Speaking of “jams” I concur with Cameron’s Aunt Mildred that “Jams are fun.” Wise lady. I can think of many instances in our travels that we experienced the unexpected. We still chuckle at reminiscing about our adventures. I guess my life’s work helped in that way. I worked in Urgent Care and every time I entered the building I knew to “expect the unexpected!” Although they weren’t “fun”, they were a learning experience.

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154 posts

It’s a $1.99 on Kindle now until 12/6!

Alan - thanks for the tip! I just downloaded it.

And thanks to all of you for the recommendation!