I've tended to gravitate more towards history podcasts then full on docuseries, if you are willing to give podcasts a try, I can recommend these three on deep dives into specific topics on European history:
Tides of History (https://wondery.com/shows/tides-of-history/) - a sweeping narrative on the transition of 1000 years of European history from Late Antiquity 5th century, to the Middle Ages, until the Early Modern Period of the 16th century.
History of the Crusades (https://crusadespod.com/) - early episodes focus on Middle Eastern Crusades, newer ones follow the Albigensian Crusade (southern France), Baltic Crusades ( Baltics/Poland), and Reconquista (Al-Andalus).
The History of Rome (https://thehistoryofrome.typepad.com/) - award winning podcast from a few years back, telling the history of Rome in it's entirety.
hope these help + they are all free to listen :)