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The Romanoffs - Amazon Prime

Just got done viewing the first episode of the new series from Mad Men creator Matt Weiner. Based on the premiere episode its must see viewing for those who like contemporary on-location drama from locales across the world.
First episode takes place in Paris. Excellent cross-culture romance with stunning photography of the city of lights.
Each episode will take place in a different city with a different cast, and story.
Can't wait for the rest of the episodes to be released!

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11504 posts

Great! Saw it pop up but had no idea if I should make time for it.

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9908 posts

oooh sounds like perfect cold-weather watching!! Thanks!

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4012 posts

I had no idea about this series. Matt Weiner was brilliant with both Mad Men and The Sopranos. Thank you!! I'm downloading them now.

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1837 posts

I loved the first episode and watched four more, but none measured up to the first one either in interest to me as a traveler nor in the quality of storytelling.

But yes, if you love Paris or yearn to visit, the first episode is a joy.