A Chelsea Concerto by Frances Faviell is a remarkable, well-written memoir of the London Blitz. The author, an artist, becomes a volunteer nurse and translator/referee/friend to a group of Belgian refugees. Chelsea was particularly hard hit by the devastating bombing and the author doesn’t sugar coat any of the horrors. The narrative also shows the camaraderie, organization, humor, and shortages of everyday life.
Also highly recommended to those who like to read about the home front in England are the works of Mollie Painter-Downes, who was a correspondent for the New Yorker during and after the war. Her London War Notes is a compilation of her dispatches to the magazine during the war. She also wrote fiction including Good Evening, Mrs Craven: The Wartime Stories of Mollie Panter-Downes, Minnie's Room: The Peacetime Stories of Mollie Panter-Downes, and a post war novel, One Fine Day.