I just watched this film and it is great! It's Sophia Loren's first film in 10 years and directed by her son Edoardo Ponti. It's about an elderly Holocaust survivor and ex-prostitute, who looks after children whose mothers have either abandoned them or can't take care of them. It's set in Bari and is in Italian with subtitles available. The young Senegalese boy she takes in is played by a wonderful actor in his first movie role. It's a very moving and touching film and I highly recommend it.
Thank you for letting us know about this film - it's now on my to-watch list for the weekend!
I’d seen an interview with Sophia, and it mentioned this film. Thank you for the reminder, and I’ll make sure to see it.
Thanks. I added it to our Netflix list. We enjoyed visiting Bari and this film being set there is a big