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Somebody Feed Phil Fans

I’m a huge fan of the show Somebody Feed Phil now renewed for a 7th season on Netflix. A good article about Phil and the show.
One of my biggest pet peeves is music being played over speakers in restaurants. It never occurred to me it was because they want to turn tables!

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7536 posts

I love that show, Tammy! In fact, I think I found out about it from you on this forum. He is a marvel and I love his wife as well! Great article - that's hysterical how he came up with the name of his company (Lucky Bastards)! 😂

That's also interesting about turning tables. Personally I'd prefer that they just give me a time limit and turn off the music.

And I love the story about Ray Romano and going to Italy. I can't believe he refused to travel to Italy - and he didn't even have to pay for it! But then he went and it changed his travel soul and now he loves it!

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7536 posts

I keep coming back here to comment more. Okay, THIS is priceless!!! I would love to meet Phil Rosenthal!

If someone gave you a house, just as a gift here’s a whole house, would you stay in one room of the house? So we have this gift, we all do, it’s called the world. And you’ll never be as young as you are right now. So go. And go before you regret not going. Go before things start to not work.

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3471 posts

Mardee, I’m with you! I would rather be given a time limit at restaurants than have to listen to music. I love what he said too about Ray Ramano not going to Italy because he doesn’t like “different”, but he gave it a try and now goes often.

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16010 posts

On a flight from London to NY just prior to the pandemic, I sat next to his kids in business class (teens and older). He and his wife were in first class and kept coming back to check on them.

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2660 posts

Great article, thank you for sharing! I just adore Phil and his show is endlessly uplifting, educational, and entertaining--I try not to rush through the episodes and save them for when I need some happy viewing. I end up with so many places I need to visit, though!

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7536 posts

I just do not understand people who have no wish to travel outside of the United States. I mean that’s their prerogative but dang I just don’t get it.

Aimee, I feel the same way. I will never understand anyone has no desire to travel internationally. Did you read the article about Ray Romano choosing the Jersey shore over Italy! Ye gods and little fishes!!

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919 posts

Go before things start to not work.

For years, this has been my explanation when people ask why I keep going to Europe. "I'm going before my knees give out!"

I just love Phil -- he's got to be the most positive guy in the world.

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3471 posts

Shhh, if I wasn't married to my husband, I would want to marry Phil. It must be a joy to be with that man at a restaurant! LOL.

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372 posts

We made a point of visiting a restaurant in Lisbon that we saw on his show - Ponto Final - across the river. We absolutely LOVED it, and had perfect seaside seats.

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471 posts

Phil just seems like such a happy man. He's always polite, curious and good-natured. Maybe I would be too if I was paid to travel and eat!

For the person who loves Netflix cooking shows, I had a Japanese one called The Makanai: Cooking for the Maiko House showed up on my feed. It's a fictional series of two teenage girls who apprenticed to a "house" in Kyoto where women train to become maiko, which is the first step to being a geisha. One stays in training while the other washes out. That one becomes the cook for the women who live in the establishment. It is an interesting look into a different culture with good character development. A lot of different Japanese food is cooked. Lighthearted without a lot of drama. If you need something happy before bed, this is a good one.

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2252 posts

I, too, really enjoy Phil. I sent a link for one of these shows to my traveling companions for the episode about Croatia as we’ll be going there in May. I even took written notes of the places he really enjoyed! He’s very entertaining.

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7536 posts

In case anyone is interested, David Lebovitz (a professional chef and writer who moved to Paris many years ago and blogs about food) recently met with Phil Rosenthal and they did a podcast together called: On Travel and Eating French Pastries with Phil Rosenthal. I haven't listened yet but thought I would share first.

By the way, if you love Paris and good food, I highly recommend his blog - it's wonderful! I have his ice cream cookbook and it is amazing, but he has tons of recipes on his blog.

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653 posts

I’m chiming in to echo Marlee’s comments about David Lebovitz. He is a wonderful source of food related info about Paris and France. He does a newsletter which has both a free and a paid option. Four of his books are Paris/France focussed including the one about renovating his previous apartment which gives a great account of the challenges of doing this in Paris.