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Seaside Hotel/Badehotellet on PBS - Season 10 (Final Season)

Based on old and now-closed threads, I know some of you watch this show. Is anyone watching the final season? I wish there were spoiler tags here so I could gush about an old character's return.

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5986 posts

I wish I could add to the old thread. Lola mentioned interest in Gilded Age, but doesn't have HBO. Just wanted to say that I watched the first season on a plane (Delta) and I see that the first season is available at my library. (As is the first season of White Lotus)

Also, on that thread, no one mentioned Call the Midwife? We love it. My daughter that has no interest in the subject matter (birthing babies) even likes the show for the plots and characters.

Not as cerebral as Inspector Morse, but I've been enjoying Mallorca Files

Thanks for the recommendation of Seaside hotel.

Also, did anyone enjoy Hotel Portofino?

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2462 posts

I only have 2 episodes left now :-(

I'll have to try Hotel Portofino. Thanks, Jules.