The news item I pointed out earlier this week (which seemed to need to be taken down) about how staff at the Vatican museums are agitating for better wages and working conditions was misunderstood by some here on the forum who are a bit quick on the draw --
we often lament how it is hard to get the implicit nuances or the sarcasm of a comment in this medium,
but I was still honestly surprised that folks reading the forum might believe that someone would be putting down the Vatican for supporting labor or would think that worker dignity is some kind of communist plot.
Toward encouraging better understanding I would like to recommend Leo XIII's encyclical on the dignity of labor from 1891:
and you might also consider looking up some of the commentary on it as well.
See also Francis's declaration last month on human dignity issues:
A clergyman friend of mine liked to say that
"Capitalism without Christ is cruelty"
Since the Forum often leans anglophilic, you might also enjoy reading relevant essays and speeches by Dorothy Sayers, like so:
Do you have similar items you would recommend for reading?