Thought-provoking movie about efforts in the late 1950s to uncover and bring to justice everyday Germans who participated in the holocaust - specifically those who perpetrated atrocities in Auschwitz. Although I've always been interested in history (and recently visited Auschwitz), I had not realized the degree to which so many Germans in the post-war years remained very much in denial about the holocaust - which I guess shouldn't come as a surprise, but it did. The film depicts the efforts of one young prosecutor who made it his mission to prosecute those who worked at Auschwitz, and to open the eyes of everyone to what their own neighbors, co-workers and family members had done.
Very well acted and directed, beautifully shot, it really gives you a feel for what it would have been like to be living in Western Germany in the late 50s and early 60s, as many people wanted to just move on and be a part of the swinging sixties without acknowledging the crimes of their friends, family members and neighbors. If you have an interest in Germany, Poland, WWII or history, I think you would enjoy it. Available through the usual movie services.