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9113 posts

That is sad news. The Montalbano series (detective in Sicily) was a lot of fun. He wrote other fiction and non-fiction of value as well.

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2073 posts

Thank you for letting us know. I have really enjoyed his novels.

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3322 posts

I’m just about to begin another of his wonderful stories. On my November Best of Sicily Tour in 2017, we visited the towns of Ragusa, Modica and Scicli. After visiting Antica Dolceria Bonajuto in Modica for a chocolate lesson, I wandered across the street to the little book shop next to the Cathedral. In the window was the Montalbano Cook Book. Only in Italian, I happily snapped up the last copy. Yum!

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10464 posts

I came to post the Guardian obituary — to see that Jane had the same great idea. I thought it was so well done (and instructive).

We are huge Camilleri fans in this house. He was a wonderful spirit and such a thoughtful man. And created such a memorable character both in the Montalbano books and in the tv series he collaborated on. And his productivity was nothing short of astounding!

A real loss.

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3961 posts

So sorry for his loss. Great series. Brings back fond memories of our visit to Noto, Modica and Ragusa. Thanks for sharing.