So, we're going to Italy next spring/early summer. We're taking the RS South Italy tour, then spending 10 - 14 days on our own. I'm thinking 3 or 4 nights in Siena, 3 or 4 nights in Bologna, maybe pop in to Florence or Orvieto....
And then I found "See You in the Piazza," a new book by Frances Mayes. She, her husband, and sometimes some other folks are traveling throughout Italy, and we are in trouble. Her descriptions of various towns, villages, and yes, even cities, are so seductive that I'm tempted to throw out all our plans and start over.
Her main loves are food, wine, and architecture. She's not a big art fan (I guess I can excuse that,) but her delightful prose is messing with my mind. I'm not even halfway through the book yet, and I'm in serious scheduling trouble.
But I do recommend the book, even if all your traveling is done in your armchair. Maybe especially if all your traveling is done in your armchair.