This series premiered on PBS in the US just over a year ago, as well as on BBC in the UK; it's available on Netflix in the US, as well. Certainly worth a watch, if you've not seen it already! Especially for those of us interested in the art, architecture, and art history of Europe, it can provide fascinating context to many of the things you'll see on your travels.
The series is kind of an extension of the original "Civilisation" Kenneth Clark documentary series from BBC in the the late 60s. Whereas that one was far more Europe-focused, Civilizations actually covers art and art history well beyond Europe so may very well be something you'll want to check out if you want to learn more about art and art history in the Americas, Africa, the Middle East, and Asia.
I found it to be a remarkably well done show, and have actually binge watched it several times on Netflix and PBS' TV app. After episode 5, for instance, and what it shares about Cellini's Perseus with the head of Medusa, you'll never experience the Piazza della Signoria the same way!