Any know of guidebooks for the Baltic states (Lithuania, Latvia, and Estonia), besides Lonely Planet or Eyewitness Travel? RS has a little bit about Estonia in the Scandinavia book, but that's all.
fodor's guide book for the Baltic States is pretty good
I use for the Baltic countries the "Rough Guide," a good source of information.
try the very excellent bradt guides
Thanks everyone. I've been poking around on the internet, and the most recent Rough Guide Baltic book I can find is from 2011, Fodor's is Russia and the Baltics from 1992! Is this right? Even 2011 is very old for a guide book.
Lonely Planet is very current (May 2016) and DK Eyewitness is from 2015
I wouldn't worry about a slightly old guidebooks (Romania and Bulgaria have old books as well). The main attractions, historical context, etc. are more of less "set" and don't change that much (and I wouldn't rely on the guidebook for details that do change frequently such as prices, transport schedules, etc.)
Thank you. That looks very promising.