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25th Anniversary of end of war in Kosovo

On this day in 1999, NATO stopped airstrikes in Kosovo in response to Slobodan Milošević agreeing to withdraw Serbian fighters from Kosovo.

NATO aircraft operated mainly from bases in Italy and aircraft carriers stationed in the Adriatic. Tomahawk cruise missiles were also extensively used, fired from aircraft, ships, and submarines. With the exception of Greece, all NATO members were involved to some degree. Over the ten weeks of the conflict, NATO aircraft flew over 38,000 combat missions.

The campaign was initially designed to destroy Yugoslav air defences and high-value military targets. It did not go very well at first, with bad weather hindering many sorties early on. NATO had seriously underestimated Milošević's will to resist: few in Brussels thought that the campaign would last more than a few days, and although the initial bombardment was not insignificant, it did not match the intensity of the bombing of Baghdad in 1991.

NATO military operations switched increasingly to attacking Yugoslav units on the ground, hitting targets as small as individual tanks and artillery pieces, as well as continuing with the strategic bombardment. This activity was heavily constrained by politics, as each target needed to be approved by all nineteen member states. Montenegro was bombed on several occasions, but NATO eventually desisted to prop up the precarious position of its anti-Milošević leader, Milo Đukanović.

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5613 posts

I don't see any relevance to travel or a reference to books, am I missing something?

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2933 posts

In reply to JC's comment above, the answer is Yes, you apparently are missing something.

I posted a link to a substantial article about the war in Kosovo that I recommend for travelers who are interested in understanding the modern borders and governments of the region that was Yugoslavia when most of us were younger.

The relevance for travel?

Travelers headed to the Adriatic might benefit from understanding the recent history of the areas they are visiting. Is that too obtuse on my part to imagine? If one happens upon various commemorative events or markers while traveling there this year, wouldn't it be useful to have some sense of what is being commemorated or marked?

Also, travelers who find themselves in Brussels might want to tour the NATO headquarters, which I have posted about before, and the wikipedia article could help them learn about the significance of NATO in resisting authoritarian regimes and holding criminals accountable for their actions. I think that that would be a boost to one's visit to Brussels.,all%20times%20during%20the%20tour.